We realize that your personal
injury case is just that – personal.

We know the mental and physical toll that an incident can take and for that reason, we provide you with answers to basic questions in order to alleviate as much frustration as possible.

I need legal help. Where can I get a free claim evaluation?

Accident and injury lawsuits are often complex, requiring medical evidence, expert testimony, and a detailed knowledge of negligence law. In order to ensure that your case is as well-prepared as possible, it’s important to seek out an attorney who is experienced in personal injury law and that’s why we invite you to call Durham Law Group, P.C. for your free claim evaluation at (404) 845 – 3434.

What is the most important thing for me to do after my injury?

The most important thing for you to do, quite simply, is to recover from your injury. The law requires injured people to “mitigate their damages.” In other words, the law requires you to do that which is necessary to improve your physical condition and recover from your injury. With Durham Law Group P.C., you can rest easy knowing you can focus on your recovery while we take care of the rest.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What factors would cause my case to go to litigation?

There are usually several reasons why a case does not settle including the following:

  • The insurance company believes that you and your lawyer have asked for more money than they are willing to pay voluntarily for the claim.
  • Liability, that is, who is at fault, is either being denied by the insurance company or the insurance company believes that you and/or some other party bear some responsibility for your own injuries.
  • The insurance company does not believe that you were injured, or that you were injured as badly as you claim.

For more information for causes of litigation, please inquire once we take your case.

What has to be done before I get the money that is due me from the settlement?

First, the insurance company will require that you, and perhaps your spouse, sign a release. This is a document that settles your claim. In the release, you will read language stating that you are forever giving up your right to sue the person, persons or company who was responsible for your injuries.

In exchange for giving up your claim, you will receive a certain sum of money when the insurance company receives the release.

Second, your lawyer will have to pay medical bills that have not been paid and may be required to reimburse any insurance company that has expended money for medical bills.

Third, your lawyer will deduct attorney’s fees, out-of-pocket expenses, and other possible costs associated with the claim.

After all deductions have been made, you will receive the balance in a check processed from your own attorney’s office.

After the insurance company and my attorney agree upon settlement, how long will it take to get my money?

After an agreement has been reached between the insurance company and you through your lawyer, it usually takes between two and six weeks to complete the settlement process.

There may be exceptions to this range, but the average time to sign all documents, receive the check, and figure out the exact proceeds for each party usually requires at least a month.

How much is my case worth?

This question is one of the most frequently asked questions and is also very difficult to answer in the early stages. It is virtually impossible to predict the value of a case until all of the information has been collected and you have recovered or almost recovered from your injury. There are many factors that determine the value of a case and reasons for settling. Some, but NOT all, include:

  • The actual amount of all of your medical bills.
  • How much income and other employment benefits were lost as a result of your injury.
  • Whether or not any aspect of your injuries are permanent. This would also include permanent disfigurement such as scars, blemishes and other disfigurement characteristics
When will my case settle?
What can I do to convince the insurance company that my claim is valid?

How will my lawyer be paid and what is a contingent fee agreement?

How will my lawyer handle my case?

After initial meetings with you, your lawyer will investigate your claim. This usually requires an investigation of some OR all of the following:

  • Witness statements
  • Police reports
  • A possible visit to the scene of the incident
  • A review of appropriate laws
  • A review of all medical reports

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For 16 + years, The Durham Law Group has been fighting for our client's rights.

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